Dallin is two today! Oh, do we love this boy or what. I was just thinking about the struggle it took to get him here to earth but how blessed we are to be his parents. He was worth the wait. I love JJ's newest song with the lyrics that sum it up: "you're a miracle with a heartbeat."
Speaking of JJ (which Dallin always request "more JJ"), Emily did another incredible video compilation of his 2nd year with her song and it has all the feels.
I wanted to write down snippets of what he's been doing that I don't want to forget.
-Since Austin has been working from home these last 4.5 months, whenever Dallin sees him outside his office, he yells, 'back to work!'
-Anytime he picks up a stick or anything remotely like that (traveling toothbrush container was it for a while), he'll immediately start to direct his invisible orchestra. He really has that wrist movement down.
-Speaking of music, we introduced him to "Moses Supposes" from Singing in the Rain and he absolutely loved it. At random moments throughout the day he'll start trying to tap dance and yell, "Moses!"
-He always wants us to imitate what he's doing. Like last night he learned to pretend sneeze so he holds his position, of elbow covering his mouth, and says 'Dad' and then 'Mom' which means whenever he says one of our names, it wants us to imitate what he's doing.
-Still loves construction trucks and diggers and does a great impression with his hand of a digger.
-He likes to point out our bodily functions. Most of the time you'll hear him say, "Mom, big burp!" ;)
-When I ask him the weather, he looks at the window, squints his eyes (always squints his eyes) and says 'it's a rainy day.'
-He has counted to 10 and even to 13 but most of the time he goes from 3 to 7 through 13 and then 19 and 20. He always proud of himself as he should be. :)
-I'm not sure where he picked up his soccer skills because neither of us has played since 2nd grade but he is a natural with the run and kick in stride. We got him a soccer ball for his birthday and he was so excited.
-When he says 'pineapple' it sounds like 'volleyball.'
-He gives great commentary when people are playing basketball. It usually goes like this. "Oh! Miss!" "Oh! Nice shot!" He also has the best little clap ever. One palm face up squished to his side with the other hand patting down on it. It's hard to describe but it's the cutest.
-He learned his finest mannerisms from me like stuffing as much popcorn in your mouth as possible, ha!
-Every time we ask him who we're reading about in the scriptures he always says, "Alma." Good thing it's the longest book in the Book of Mormon!
-He is super content to just dig, dig, dig. All of quarantine has been centered around where do we go today to scoop up dirt.
I know I'm missing things but I had to document while I remembered. Happy birthday, bud! We love you!
He is such a cute kid and doing so many adorable things!!!