I love 'I Am' statements. They are so powerful. I've learned that they are creative statements because when you say 'I am..." it creates an image in your mind and you take on that image. This could be used for the good and bad.
A couple of weeks ago at testimony meeting at church, a sweet sister who has down syndrome, who bears her testimony every month, recited some of her 'I am' statements of her true self. I love that the new young woman theme starts with 'I am'.
In our exercise in Brooke's class about creating an identity for our energy, work, and love, I think the hardest one initially to come up with was my work. I don't have a visible work outside of the home, but really my real work is myself. Working on myself.
I had a sweet impression out of the blue that for my identity of work is 'I am a recorder.' This struck me as odd that I received that impression because not only was it out of the blue but I had never thought of myself that way.
But each morning, I try to remind myself of those statements and try to visualize how that would be that day.
Some things I've noticed about being a recorder: I write down impressions, I take a moment at the end of the day to write a tender mercy or something that was funny that happened, record in my mind a good moment, share my thoughts to someone, blog more, post on instagram or prixm, send an encouraging text to someone, write thoughts while I'm studying the scriptures, look at family history stories.
It's amazing that once I say that I am a certain thing, I start to act in that identity and then my belief in that really settles in.
What are you believing about yourself? Is it serving you?
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