Friday, June 14, 2019

Better Than Happy Live with Jody Moore

I've been in Jody Moore's coaching program for about two years now and I know it's cliche to say, but it's really been life changing. The amount of knowledge and power I've gained over my life is pretty amazing. 

Because I'm an elite member (someone in the program for a year consecutively or longer), I got to attend her Better Than Happy Live even for FREE! And I got to do it with Ondalynn and Viv who are also elite members. I'm so glad they came! It was so much more fun than if I went by myself. 

It was at this hotel that overlooked Lake Washington and you could see the Seattle skyline in the distance. It was gorgeous. The even went from 9-3:30 with a lunch break in between. 

The first half was her teaching us the 10 points to creating a deliberate future. 

1.Be future focused
2. Think about what you want more than what you don't want
3. Use the model to become aware of your current self
4. Identify obstacles to reaching your goal and write stragtegies
5. Be willing to commit to believing no matter what
6. Become aware of your future self and access her same emotions now
7. Pay attention to your attitude more than the "how" of achieving it
8. Don't turn back on the river of misery
9. Get good at feeling negative emotions
10. Remember that "there" is no better than "here" but do it because of the person you will become along the way

And then she went over the model and then left the rest of the time (so about 3 hours) of coaching people on the spot. I was so proud that Viv and Ondalynn both were vulnerable enough to get coached, in front of a crowd of about 100. We all agreed that there was something different about watching her coach live rather than online like does in her program. Maybe she just got more in depth with them. She really pushed people outside of their thinking and if I was in their position I would probably be a little uncomfortable but that's the power of this work. She's good about wiggling loose your current thoughts that aren't serving you. 

Here are some notes I took down from the event.

-Do I stop living after I have kids? What am I looking forward to? Child rearing is such a small window of time in my life. 
-What does my future self do? Make decisions from that place. I don't know how but I don't need to yet.
-When we constantly focus on what we don't want, we create that more of in our life.
-What's the upside of keeping the current model that is punishing myself? Own my problems. 'This is my fault.'
-Don't wait to feel good to keep moving forward. There will always be 50% negative emotion like fear and worry and shame.

-Don't worry about a concrete goal-just be willing to believe no matter what even if you don't know how. Even when obstacles and failures or set backs come. Do you really believe it? Think of the red light analogy. You need something and you have to drive there but just because you come to a red light you don't turn back, you keep moving forward.
-None of it is about me. Everyone is getting their experiences because of their thoughts. I just commit to show up. Just keep going. This is not a big deal.
-Focus on gratitude. Wake up with that. "This is enough. I'm enough." It's so much more energizing. It doesn't have to be just after good things to feel gratitude. It's all of it.

-You can choose to like things in advance
-The 'how' is really easy. It's always figure-out-able. It's not as challenging as the thoughts/feelings driving it. The intention behind it matters more. 
-Don't make decisions while you're in the river of misery. Only make it once you're out of the river. "We'll revisit this goal after this semester."
-You're always practicing something-either practicing negative emotion or practicing buffering it, resisting it, or escaping it. 

-When you practice fear in the river of misery, you're strengthening your legs and you get good at feeling it. Then you're willing to feel it again and again. 
-When you allow the emotion, it'll sit there and then it'll fall asleep like a toddler in the car seat. 
-Why do we think we need to do it all right now? Why the rush?
-Hurry always come from fear. We think once we get to that next thing, then we'll feel a certain feeling.

-Anything you achieve, something is always given up on the other side. Like her missing her son's preschool ceremony to be here.
-Observe yourself in how you act when you feel certain emotions.
-Then put it in your model and then play with it. How do you want to feel about your circumstance? How do you want to show up?
-They can think you're not cool but it doesn't make it true (coaching a girl who didn't get invited to Mexico).

-There's nothing more appealing than being around someone who loves themselves and loves the people around them.
-Give yourself that boost and then good and do good. Give yourself a wink in the mirror. 
-Make peace with worst case scenario.
-"This is what I decided. The end." I'm going to step up and be the mother.
-With 'difficult people', I get to practice feeling love because I want to feel love because I get to feel the love-the other person won't be able to feel it.
-Confidence is not knowing what to do but knowing 'I've got this.'
-'I want people to like me' is a terrible thought. Be okay with people not liking you.
-The most thing is to like people that don't like you. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVED what you learned! Thanks for sharing! I've loved learning this with you!!
