Tuesday, January 1, 2019

My Favorite Reads of 2018

It's funny, when someone asked me what was my favorite reads, I still sometimes have to look at Goodreads to remember. Anyone else? Shouldn't your favorites be no brainers?? There were a few that stuck in my mind but then I remembered some of my favorites this year weren't first time reads and I'm okay with that. 

Overall, here's what I loved reading in 2018.

This is Where You Belong by Melody Warnick
I read this on our moving trip from Moscow, Idaho to Washington State so I think it earned its favorite spot because it was exactly what I needed to read at the time. I wrote a whole blog post about it. Some of the things I still think about and even tried to implement a few this year. Plus, I follow Melody on Goodreads and she has the best 1-sentence reviews. 

Educated by Tara Westover
I'm always hesitant to recommend this one because it's fantastic but also hard to swallow at times. I dare you not to talk about it afterwards. Good luck. 

Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the History of the Vietnam War by Steve Sheinkin
This was a re-read for our family book club and even though I knew what was going to happen, I still had a hard time putting it down. Sheinkin is a master at bringing history to life. 

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
I still stand by that this is my favorite YA novel (okay I don't normally like YA enough to read a ton) but still! This was the second time I read it and I thought I could hold the tears, but by the end, I was in a puddle of them. So powerful for such a short novel. 

Roots and Sky: A Journey Home in Four Seasons by Christie Purifoy
Let's just say I wish I could write about ordinary life like her. So beautiful and so reflective. 

The Read-Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie
I actually read about 3 different books about the importance of reading aloud to your kids but I will always recommend this one over the others (yes even over the Trelease book which Sarah gained her passion from). I love that it's more than just having your kids do well in academics but how it can connect you with them and it reminds me why I love to read. I have so many book darts in this one and I look forward to referencing it again and again. 

Restart by Gordon Korman
Sadly I did not read as many middle grade novels as I would like but this was so delightful! Recommended by my niece, Julia, it's all about second chances to make things right. 

Living in Your True Identity by Brooke Snow
I will have to say that this is my favorite read of the year. Thanks to my sis for recommending her podcast and work, I never miss any content she puts out. Even though her podcast delves into things in her book, I felt the book took it a little deeper and I couldn't gobble it fast enough. I want 2019 to be a year where I implement many of her practices like meditation. She has some fabulous information. 

What were some of your favorite reads this year?

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