Sunday, January 12, 2020

Bree and Brandon's Wedding!

About a week ago we got back from a five day trip to Utah for Austin's sister, Bree's wedding to Brandon Welch. They are the BrBr couple. It was a bit of whirlwind of setting up reception stuff beforehand but the wedding day was gorgeous, Bree was beaming, and the sealing was just beautiful. 

It was fun for all of Austin's siblings and spouses and parents to be in the temple for the second time. The first time was when Bree received her endowments during Thanksgiving a little over two years ago. Her and Brandon were dating at the time but he was also there. 

Us sibs put on a little 'musical number' of sorts for their luncheon. Hilarious and spontaneous to say the least. Austin and I at last minute came up with some choreography for our song. We felt a little silly but Bree and Brandon had a good laugh so I guess that's all that matters!

The reception was lots of fun as we got to see a bunch of cousins as well as aunts and uncles who attended the sealing. The Johns came which was fun to catch up for a few minutes. Austin was a champ letting Dallin follow him everywhere. 

Austin thought of the idea of putting 'just moo-ied' on their car as Bree is obsessed with cows. She loved it. 

Saturday was a low key day with the family playing games all day. Sunday we went to church and afterwards spent the evening having dinner and playing with the Johns. We had so much fun with them! 

We left the Utah snow and came back to full on rain here. But we were glad to get back to the swing of things after having almost two weeks of vacation. 

 Can't forget that we saw Little Women for Bree's bachelorette party!
 This was done courtesy of Eden, age 8:)

Followed uncle Randy the entine length of gym back and forth so amazed by the sweeper
So so so tired
 Couldn't get enough of his cousin Peter
Playing on the Johns' piano!


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  3. Beautiful couple! So happy for them. So cute about Dallin following the sweeper around. He looks so handsome and grown up in that sweater.

    And so happy you could hang out with the Johns!

  4. That was a fun weekend!! Good to read about the details!

  5. Thanks for sharing so much time with us! I love the "just mooied"
