Sunday, January 13, 2019

What I've Been Loving Lately

Prixm-this is a new app 'by the people, for the people' type app. It's all about telling your story. It's a way to connect with friends and family like social media but it's intentionally much different. They purposefully try to make it so you weren't caught up in the time sucking, comparison driven, advertisement overload that happens with instagram and facebook.

 I've been using it since September and really really like it. Hardly any of my family or friends are on it and I'm the only one who posts so it's not necessarily a way for me to see what others are up to but more as a great platform to keep memories and experiences alive. 

I love that I get to post a picture whenever and it will know the day that picture/video is taken so your story will show up chronologically no matter when you post. Or you can put a picture/journal entry there and select the date that it happened. You can upload a picture from your ancestor with a date in the 1800's if you wanted!

 I can put pictures, videos, audio, and journal entries on here. I can upload them and make them personal so only I can see them, private so only my private followers can see, or public so anyone can see. I also love that there is no numbers of followers that you have or who you're following. You also can't see that on anyone else's either. I haven't utilized the group function much but I think it's similar to group me and I think would be a fun way to connect as well. They are constantly uploading new features and I'm excited to see this take off. 

Brooke Snow: I'm a huge fan of Brooke Snow. I love her book and podcast and then she did this episode with Spiritually Minded Mom and I've listened to it twice. So so good. I've never thought of prayer the way she does. 

Minimalist Baker recipes-I have been making tons of her recipes lately. They are some of my favorite. Like this quinoa fried rice

Big Love, Small Moments by JJ Heller-another new song by JJ and its superb. 

Philo-a streaming service like Netflix that has all three Hallmark stations on it. It was the way we watched all the Hallmark Christmas movies (our favorites were The Christmas Secret and Once Upon a Christmas Miracle). But we'll probably keep it because it's Hallmark, duh. ;)

Dallin's favorite picture books right now: The Pout Pout Fish, Jamberry, Barnyard Dance, Pajama Time, and Barnyard Banter. We read these 

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