Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Looking Back at 2018 with Intention

He's the best thing that happened this year.
In Jody's coaching program this month, the topic is about looking back with intention. Part of the homework is to write down things we accomplished this year. This ranges from so many ideas. She gave some examples so I thought I would write my own. This is not a 'look-what-I've-accomplished-moment' but it got me thinking about how we underestimate how much good we've done in a year. 

On my list are some big and some relatively 'small' on a day-to-day basis.

-Moved/packed/cleaned while 18 weeks pregnant to another state.
-Taught about 50 kids through Vipkid
-Did prenatal yoga about 60 times
-Birthed an 8'10'' baby!!
-Traveled with a 6 week old to two different states for 2 weeks
-Read 93 books
-Wrote 36 blog posts (when I was brainstorming this, I thought I only wrote 15-see, totally underestimated myself)
-Sent out 50 Christmas cards
-Taught 6 young women lessons
-Got coached live 1 time
-Been to about 8 Refit Revolution classes
-Practiced physical therapy exercises about 60 times
-Made around 270 homemade meals
-Did laundry about 40 times
-Read to Dallin about 700 times
-Nursed Dallin about 4500 times

This is just a start but this gives me empowerment for 2019 to set small daily habits so by the end of the year, I can look back and see how 'small things became great.' 

What would be on your list? 


  1. You missed one: how many times did you nurse Dallin?

    1. Good point! I will edit it. Just doing a quick math, it's about 4,500 times!
