Wednesday, January 23, 2019

You Know You Eat Plant Based When...

*Your food processor is like your first love-it completes you. You don't how you've lived without it this whole time.

*You start to feel like a hippie going into Whole Foods (can we just say what a BEAUTIFUL store that is!) with your chacos, rolled up pants, v-neck shirt, and no shower. And you're feeling so cool because you're asking the clerks where you can find jackfruit.

*You justify that no-shower because you believe it's good for your microbiome. Because that's what you learned on the Rich Roll podcast and you hang on his every word.

*You secretly want this and this shirt but don't have the guts to wear it unless you're at a legit farmer's market (looking at you, Moscow!)

*You buy cashews and dates by the pounds because the endless versatility of those babies.

*You suddenly aren't afraid to cook with lentils.

*You spend the majority of your time at the grocery store in the produce section (colors, people!)

*You drool over every meatless meatball recipe because you know you could eat 10 without getting sick (because they're made of out brown rice).

*You feel creative because you've made 20 different spin offs of mac and cheese.

*You feel like a born chef when you create a smell like this in your house (hello, lemons!)

*You get giddy when you get 9 out of 12 Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen check marks in ONE meal!

*You start to expect to see cooked potatoes in an ice cream recipe. You don't blink twice-it's just what it is.

*You would be filthy rich if you get a dollar from every person who asks you 'where you get your protein?'

*You give an air fist bump to the person who put "drinking cow's milk" sticker on the stop sign. You sort of feel like Katniss rebelling against the Capitol (aka, the dairy industry).

*You learn the art of massaging kale.

Isn't eating plants the best? 

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