Sunday, January 13, 2019

Thanksgiving 2018

We got to enjoy Thanksgiving this year with the PNW Lewis family and Crismon and Danielle who came from Colorado! I realized that I haven't spent a holiday with them for almost 6 years! It's about time. 

Austin took Tuesday off and after my physical therapy appointment, we went straight to Gresham. We were lucky to miss any crazy traffic. I got to talk with Melanie, my friend from Moscow, that night. She was due to have her baby in a couple of weeks (had him on Dec 8) and it was so great to catch up! Crismon and Danielle arrived later that night. They happened to be at the Denver airport the same time as Bronson and Emily who were connecting a flight to Boise. Their gates were right next to each other. What are the odds.

Wednesday was a big prep day for food for Thanksgiving. But who doesn't love to make apple pie and sweet potato casserole all day? And Mom and Dad made some amazing homemade pear applesauce. Topped with vanilla ice cream it was practically heavenly. 

We left later that afternoon to go to Seth's house. That's when we hit bad traffic but grateful we made it there safely. Tiffany and Seth were such wonderful hosts! 

Fixing up the bathroom was another highlight of the week. 

Thursday, Austin, Crismon and Seth's family, along with Tiffany's sister, Katherine's family, went to the Turkey stuffer in Springfield. We did this run 2 years ago and while it was fun, I just didn't have the heart to prepare and made the excuse that Dallin was sleeping. Danielle stayed home too. :) 

Ondalynn and Viv's family and Mom and Dad came that afternoon and we ate lots and lots. And Tiffany did such a beautiful job decorating her house. We just love eating decadent food and watching football and playing games. It was like how we always remember Thanksgiving. 

Friday we took two hikes up the gorgeous forested area behind Seth's house. Even in the rain it was lovely. 

The two bearded men in orange, ha. 

Saturday we had to go home early so we weren't traveling late into the evening back home. I realized though stopping at Mom and Dad's that I didn't get to spend enough time at their house. I really love being at their home. They have this smell and warmth of the holidays. I'm so glad Viv and her girls could come by and see us before we left. 

Of course we had to get back in time for the BYU-Utah game and stop on our way home to pick up Chipotle. I think I've decided that's going to be a tradition. Too good to pass up. :) 

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