Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Emptiness from Constant Consuming

I just listened to a Ted talk by Cal Newport, the author of Deep Work, and it was all about quitting social media. I had a conversation with my sister yesterday about how our attention span is so short and we are constantly drifting to checking our phone or doing the next task. I'll admit that I've given up many books not only because I wasn't interested but I think it was partly due to the brain power it required and it was too much. 

I've also noticed that I'm a skimmer. Not only with books but with scripture. I'm not sure if I've developed this habit with trying to read as many books in a year as possible or if I'm just used to doing that so much with small bites of twitter feeds, glancing over someone's long post on instagram, and doing a brief check on facebook. I haven't savored the words. I wonder if this also has contributed to me ditching books with beautiful prose that seem far over my head. Or putting off that classic because I could pick up a Jane Austen retelling instead. 

This morning I read from 2 Nephi 27:3 and it culminated everything I was just thinking about it. "Behold he eateth...and his soul is empty." In the margins previously I referenced how this could be about feeding the natural man which is very true. But it seemed to hit heavier on the thought that I do a lot of consuming throughout the day and by the end, my 'soul is empty'. Doing President Nelson's challenge was enlightening and needed. But I still felt a dependence on my phone and I felt like I was constantly checking it just to check it. I had no purpose in it. When I went back on social media I was reminded that it wasn't as exciting as I thought, I didn't miss that much, and I sort of had a brain fog because I didn't realize where all the time went. 

I do love keeping in contact with my siblings but I think I've relied a lot on them posting to know what's going on. I'm trying to figure out a balance with my phone and consumption. I do a lot of consuming throughout the day (social media or group me or otherwise) with little contributing. 

I'm really considering doing a holiday fast from social media till the start of the new year starting with the Thanksgiving holiday. Ah! I've haven't done anything longer than 10 days so I'm a little nervous. Any tips? Suggestions? Who wants to join me? :)


  1. I'm tempted to do something similar over the holidays. It's a bit tricky with my blog (since I do make a little money from it), but a total break from everything just sounds so great. I did the 10-day fast as well (and am also currently reading Deep Work, coincidentally), and it just seems like stepping back for awhile would be really great for me in a lot of ways. Since I don't have a smartphone, I don't feel like I'm addicted to a device, but I do sometimes get so wrapped up in stuff I'm working on online that I'm not paying nearly the attention I should to what's right around me (namely, my kids). Definitely a constant balance, for sure!

  2. I love your thoughts!! I have many similar ones...but you articulate it so well! Studying Isaiah for church was especially challenging and my brain kept offering me reasons to get on my phone and "Go elsewhere." I think we do get accustomed to skimming and not really internalizing. That Ted talk is fantastic, too. I like the idea of evaluating consuming vs contributing. Let me know what you decide to do about the holiday break. It really was an awesome experience. And yet I am not sure about doing it again....😂
