Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Spending My Mind Juice

I know that we hear a lot about how many thoughts we think in a day (like 80,000 right?) and how not to 'waste' time, whatever 'wasting' means to you but I've thought about not just how I'm doing things day to day but what I choose to spend my mind juice on. We think we can multi-task but really our brains can focus on one thing at a time. So...what am I thinking the most about? And why do I spend so much mind juice on non-energizing thoughts?

For example, today for mutual activity, there is a back to school BBQ and the Mia Maids (who I am in charge over) are responsible to bring drinks. I sent a text to the Mia Maid president asking her to send a reminder text about where the girls should meet and to each bring a drink. And to let me know if they can't bring one so I can swing by the store and grab some drinks before tonight. 

The crazy thing is my mind has spent so much juice on this small little thing! "She didn't text me back...what if she doesn't send the reminder text?" "Should I text the girls instead?" "Should I just get more drinks just in case?" "What's the worst that could happen?" 

And I play around with scenario after scenario of what could happen if we show up with no drinks and how I would handle that-and what I would tell my brain in that situation. In my head, specifically my higher brain, the thinking brain,  knows it's no big deal but yet I spent so much on my mind juice on this that I don't concentrate on other outlets like being present with Dallin during the day or what am I going to make for dinner.

Now that's a small example but it's something that I've been thinking about today on my walk. I was ruminating over conversations I've had with a certain person and what my brain wants to tell me it's dangerous so I need to dwell on that again and again so IF (always a big if, right?) it happens again, then I will know how to handle it. 

I'm glad my brain watches out for things that are dangerous like bears and such so I don't die but it also wants to protect me from emotional danger so it will trick me into thinking that what that person said is a dangerous thing and I should be on the lookout for more of that when I'm around them. My brain is the best detective and it will find the evidence I am seeking. 

Here's other 'nonsense' things that have been taking up my mind juice for too long: how my hair flips to one side no matter how I straighten it, the extra flab and weight I've carried from this baby, going back and forth on if I really named my kid right, what I said during my testimony of self-reliance last Sunday, and something that someone said months ago. 

It's interesting that a lot of my mind wants to stay in the past or in the future. Again it's so easy for my brain to bring up past experiences and tells me that they were dangerous and that I should watch out for future danger but really I need to focus my mind on things that really matter, at least what matter to me at the moment. 

When I was on a walk today, I had a lot of chatter in my mind. I realized I've spent too long focusing on what other people say or do and now it's time for me to observe my own brain and not worry about their behavior. I wanted to redirect my brain to focusing on gratitude and being in the moment right then. 

Here's a couple that I thought of:
I'm so grateful I live near a state park with lots of beautiful trails. I'm so lucky.
I'm grateful I have a kind physical therapist that is helping me get my pelvic area stable again. 
I'm grateful for a healthy and thriving baby boy. 
I'm grateful for my loving husband. 

If I try and let go of the unnecessary things my mind 'thinks' are important, then I can be more productive on finding creative solutions to current things in my life like finding time to exercise or how to squeeze in laundry and dinner tonight. Or what I should write in blog posts or call up that sister or friend that I've been meaning to. Or clear my mind so I can enjoy my book I'm currently reading.

I love that we get to choose our thoughts and I'm going to try and be more intentional this week on how I spend my mind juice. 

Have you felt this trap before? 

What are some good things that you like to spend your mind juice on? Please share!

*I've learned these tools from Jody Moore at


  1. I love hearing your thoughts. What a good blog. Makes me stop and think, "what am I thinking about? I just got my haircut today, and not wanting it to be as short as last time, I asked for my bangs to be a little different, and a little longer all over. Crazy how that's what I've been thinking bangs, and now I'm not sure how to deal with them. Haha! Certainly, not high and noble thoughts. But after a good Gospel Doctrine class last Sunday on Job, I've been trying to focus on other people's pain and not my own. That has helped me be more meaningful in my prayers.

  2. Such an insightful post! I can tell the c days I use my mind juice badly bc I feel exhausted mentally and physically.

  3. I should add when I spend too much time on social media my mind juice is so focused on whatever I saw there, "how exciting they had a new baby! Oh man, they are on an incredible vacation...oh that was kind of a weird post...i wonder what she meant...How do pictures of her always look so cute??" And then I am less focused on my real life, here and now.
